16 06 2010

1 wrote what is probably one of the finest books on sport ever written, which is the origin of a famous phrase in a particular sport. This phrase was inspired by a line in one of the works of the Nobel Prize winner 2. Give me 1 and 2

1 =

2 =

Answer = 1 is C.L.R. James, who wrote the awesome book “Beyond a Boundary“, which popularised the phrase “What do they know of cricket who only cricket know?It was inspired by a line from Rudyard Kipling’s (2) poem “The English Flag“, which had the line “what should they know of England who only England know?”



6 responses

16 06 2010

1 -> CLR James
2 ->Rudyard Kipling
the book being Beyond A Boundary

17 06 2010

What do they know of cricket that only cricket knows?….
CLR James and Rudyard Kipling

17 06 2010

CLR James and Rudyard Kipling.

Beyond Boundaries is the book.

The phrase is something like “What do they know of cricket that..” and so on.

17 06 2010

1.C.L.R.James 2.Rudyard Kipling

17 06 2010

is the phrase “muddied oafs” as in “muddied oafs and flanneled fools”??
1. Richard Beard??
2. Rudyard kipling

17 06 2010
Harish Krishna

1 = Cyril Lional Robert James
2 = Rudyard Kipling

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